
Bushu16, Capital Markets, Cooking, Economics, Finance, Fitness, Phone Stuff, Photography, Spirits, Technology, Leadership

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012: The year that was

The leap that made me 30 years of life. Not my best, but an eventful one nevertheless.

A very unusual start…
It's not that often, that I spend my new year's eve away from my family and without booze ;).  However, it was an amazing experience watching the fireworks at the City Hall Square, Copenhagen. for the first time I felt there are people living in this city!

It has been more than a year living in Europe and working for one of the big banks. Did some nice work, not awesome, but am not sulking about my professional life. Made some decent money. Well, now a bit boring though err... not the money making ;), the typical job!

Tough times…
Both my India visits were terrible. Just couldn't imagine how all that happened.

Good times...
The only but blissful vacation to Legoland, Mons Klint, Odense with friends and how can I forget Stege (gosh... that pretty place ;))
First time driving on the right hand side of the roads and shifting gears with right hand haha... (Thankfully the pedals were in the same sequence)
Made some very good friends, learnt lot of interesting card games.
Met some brilliant people round the globe. Inspired.

The way ahead…
If/when my current gig ends, I’ll have worked in most of the areas I’m interested in -technology, finance, strategy, smartphones etc.
New role. Interesting work.
In 2013, I’ll definitely start working on my big idea. One way or the other. In my own startup or someone else’s. Probably the latter. Hopefully the former ;)

2013 to-do:
Keep  myself fit - Physically and Mentally.
Work on my idea/startup.
Travel more round the world.
Sky diving, bungee jumping, ...

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