
Bushu16, Capital Markets, Cooking, Economics, Finance, Fitness, Phone Stuff, Photography, Spirits, Technology, Leadership

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Why HTC One X over Samsung Galaxy S3!!!

When I bought my beast, I very well had an option to wait for a month and go for Samsung's flagship Galaxy SIII. Keeping aside my love for HTC here are some reasons which made me again inclined towards the great One X.

1. HOX has beautiful sense 4.0 where it has lot of features whereas, gs3 is touchwiz which looks crappy.
2. HOX has better build quality whereas, gs3 is poor quality (cheap shiny plastic).
3. HOX looks pretty and stylish whereas gs3 is look like 1990's phone.
4. HOX is Tegra 3 powered where you can find lot of tegra 3 game whereas, gs3 is exynos which is also a powerful processor but yet to discover its capabilities.
5. HOX screen is tougher than gs3 , google for some videos on youtube many guys using HOX as hammer to put the nail in woodden bench.
6. HOX is playstation mobile and it is certified now for getting playstation mobile. If you are an gamer then you should get it. I just love playing 3D games on this beast!
7. Last but not the least, BEATS AUDIO!!! how can I not mention this. For all those music lovers out there, it is a sheer pleasure listening to music with Beats.

And I have seen people saying that HOX has 1800mah battery and GS3 is 2100mah battery and removable. Which makes no sense.
HOX is tegra 3 powered where it saves a lot of battery when in standby. I have experienced my phone is in 100% even after 6 hours of standby and many people who bought GS3 crying that it is loosing battery upto 30% in 10 hours of standby time, so whats the use of 2100mah battery???? HOX last longer than GS3 in every aspect, even if it has less capacity battery. And if you plan to carry extra battery then you can just carry a travel charger instead.

And for those saying gs3 has additional storage , do you carry data more than 32gb ??? If you carry more than this then you should buy a laptop not a phone. 32gb can hold most of the movies and songs where you can use it for atleast a week. If you need more delete it and add the rest. Be more managed!

BTW, what new thing samsung has done to its new flagship phone??? They just copied all the thing which HOX has; And done some changes to show some difference to it new flagship phone. They just added additional storage, which to me is not really required.

Popup play, it not an samsung feature. You can get that using "Stick it" app from play store any way you are not going to use this.

S-voice - "GS3 hears what you say !!!" every phone hear what we say. You can have many alternatives for s-voice and also s-voice is ported to HOX too.

Smart eye - definitely an app can do this. And also I have seen people using it, but I forgot the name. I will add the app name soon as soon I get to know again.

GS3 - "Inspired by nature" who needs the crap phone inspired by nature?? I need the best phone and am inspired by HOX!!!

Share your thoughts if you agree or disagree!

Source :

UPDATE : just another update to show the power of my HTC One X


Anonymous said...

i agree, I also users htc one x

Anonymous said...

i agree, I also users htc one x

Anonymous said...

Love HTC , Had owned both but using HOX more.

Business Mobile Phone Contracts said...

Overall, HTC and Samsung offer very similar experiences, but the Droid DNA’s front-facing camera puts it out in front.